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Tropical Retreat

Pacific Hydrogen Roadmap

The Pacific Hydrogen Strategy is a regional initiative led by the Australian Government and various partners to explore the potential of green hydrogen in decarbonizing Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). The project involves creating a comprehensive roadmap through workshops, stakeholder engagements, and detailed reports. These reports will assess hydrogen technologies, resource mapping, and economic viability. The project also includes developing an open-source tool for techno-economic assessment and offering educational resources to prepare PICTs for adopting hydrogen technologies.

For more details, visit Pacific Hydrogen Strategy.


Dr Peter Ellersdorfer

School of Chemical Engineering,

UNSW Sydney

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Dr Muhammad Haider Ali Khan

School of Chemical Engineering,

UNSW Sydney

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Annika Kerwick

School of Chemical Engineering,

UNSW Sydney

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Project Team

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Dr Rahman Daiyan

School of Mineral and Energy Resources,

UNSW Sydney

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Prof Iain Macgill

School of Electrical Engineering,

UNSW Sydney

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Chief Investigators

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Dr Denny Gunawan

School of Chemical Engineering,

UNSW Sydney

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Dr Josh Leverett

School of Chemical Engineering,

UNSW Sydney

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Jaco van Antwerpen

School of Chemical Engineering,

UNSW Sydney

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The development of the Pacific Hydrogen Strategy is being led by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney consortia, supported by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) the Pacific Community (SPC), and the University of South Pacific (USP). The Strategy is being funded by Australian Government’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)

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