HySupply Publication

HySupply State of Play Report
The State of Play (SoP) v 1.0 is released as a consultation paper to the Hysupply Consortia, industry stakeholders and government bodies, to facilitate discussion regarding the development of an Australian-Germany green hydrogen supply chain. The report is designed to foster dialogue with industry and other stakeholders regarding key challenges and opportunities for progressing HySupply, and Australia's green hydrogen exports more broadly.
HySupply Cost Tool
The HySupply Cost Analysis Tool is a Microsoft Excel Workbook developed to model the hydrogen output and costs involved in the production of green hydrogen from solar, wind and combined solar and wind (referred to as hybrid) power plants in Australia. The tool extends beyond current state-of-the-art models, by providing the user the complete freedom to define their desired plant capacities and design a wide variety of configurations to integrate the electrolyser and the renewable power plant, which include options for a grid-connected, off grid and battery connectivity.
The tool is a living tool with additional features being and expected to be added as it is developed. We also encourage feedback from the user to help us improve the tool.
Feedback can be provided to Associate Professor Iain MacGill (i.macgill@unsw.edu.au) and Dr. Rahman Daiyan (r.daiyan@unsw.edu.au). Please check this page from time to time for further updates.

Note: File need to be downloaded to access it and use of the up-to-date Excel Version (Office 365) is advised to avoid loss of functionality
HySupply Certification Report
This report: Approaches to certifying Australia-Germany Green Hydrogen Supply Chains: informing discussion is produced for the German-Australian HySupply Project. The report is designed to provide essential knowledge pillars for stakeholders in Australia-Germany green hydrogen supply chains on the certification landscape. The report aims to to navigate the certification options available, make well-informed choices about their participation in it, and facilitate constructive dialogue and negotiations which can help avoid unnecessary regulatory complexity.

HySupply Supply-side Roadmapping Exercise
The report prepared by UNSW and Deloitte under the HySupply project - is a supply-side investigation for Australia to aid the profiling of the scale and breadth of government and private action required for Australia to build an export value chain for hydrogen/hydrogen derivatives to Germany.
We welcome and seek stakeholder feedback on the report. Please feel free to contact either Dr Rahman Daiyan (r.daiyan@unsw.edu.au) or Professor Iain Macgill (i.macgill@unsw.edu.au) if you have any question.
See also our HySupply Cost Tool and HySupply Shipping Analysis Tool

Final Report Australia-Germany Hydrogen Value Chain Feasibility Study
The HySupply project has been a two-year collaboration between German and Australian consortia to investigate the feasibility of a hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives supply chain between Australian and Germany, and identify how such a partnership can be facilitated. This final joint report of the Hysupply project outlines the diverse range of HySupply outputs, and other activities delivered over the two years of the project, focusing on particularly on the feasibility studies and road mapping and action plans. Most importantly, the report also summarises the key findings and suggested actions for government and industry arising from this work.
In summary, for Australia and Germany’s opportunity to establish a renewable hydrogen supply chain, there is much to be optimistic about, but much much more still to be done.
We welcome and seek stakeholder feedback on the report. Please feel free to contact either Dr Rahman Daiyan (r.daiyan@unsw.edu.au) or Professor Iain Macgill (i.macgill@unsw.edu.au) if you have any question.