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GlobH2E welcoming new partner: Zeotech Limited

We are excited to welcome a new industry partner: Zeotech Limited - an emerging mineral processing technology company to the Training Centre. Zeotech Limited is a public company listed on the ASX, with a vision to utilise the unique properties of synthetic zeolites for a sustainable future.

The Training Centre is also very delighted to welcome Dr Hong Peng from the University of Queensland as a new Chief Investigator (CI) and joining Professor John Zhu in reinforcing strong research expertise in the area of H2 storage and utilisation (theme 2). His research background on synthesis of zeolites and applied research of zeolites as adsorbents for waste water and carbon capture CO2 capture is a strong fit to the theme.

Dr Sylvia Tulloch, who is a chair of Zeotech with background in material science will work with Dr Hong Peng and Prof John Zhu from UQ to develop metal-doped zeolite catalysts capable of utilising carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce value-add products.

The project will also aim to fast-track lab validation as well as pilot testing and develop a potential commercialisation pathway for the CO₂ conversion process advanced by Zeotech’s technology. The collaboration will also provide opportunity for internship, training and placement for students, PhD student and early career researcher (ECR) to develop capabilities in sovereign manufacturing and accelerating the development of hydrogen technologies into the market.

We are looking forward to work with Zeotech to develop a sustainable hydrogenation process for converting captured CO2 and green hydrogen into syngas and value-added hydrocarbon fuels such as methanol.

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